my background
Personal Profile
My journey with computers began at seven years old when my dad introduced me to my first video game—I was instantly captivated.
After getting my own computer, I started modding Minecraft and hosting my own servers at home, much to my family’s frustration as I unknowingly drained our bandwidth—a valuable lesson learned! This led me to launch a YouTube channel and later experiment with Twitch streaming while briefly developing a pixel video game. My passion was clear: I wanted to understand how computers and their languages could solve complex problems.
At Syracuse University, I pursued a B.S. in Systems and Information Science, complementing it with a minor in Information Technology, Design, and Startups, which introduced me to entrepreneurship and business solutions.
After earning a coveted internship at Creative Artists Agency, I moved to Los Angeles, where I spent six years working in Digital Media and Data Analytics, navigating industry shifts and the rise of AI-driven solutions. As the demand for data expertise grew, I realized my next step was a master’s program. Receiving the PREP scholarship from Rochester Institute of Technology—close to home and my family—made the decision easy.
Now pursuing my M.S. in Data Science, I’m eager to deepen my expertise and explore the potential of AI. In the coming years, I hope to immerse myself further in the field and determine whether to pursue a Ph.D.

M.S. Data Science | Rochester Institute of Technology
Master's program in Data Science covers advanced tools and technologies like Python, R, TensorFlow, Scikit-Learn, MySQL, MongoDB, and Spark, with a focus on machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, data analytics, and applied statistics
B.S. Systems and Information Science
Minor: Information Technology, Design, and Start-ups |
Syracuse University
Technology disruption, Python, Java, PHP, R programming, Specialization in Cybersecurity
courses At Rochester institute of technology
Software Construction
(SWEN 601)
Foundations of Data Science and Machine Learning
(DSCI 633)
Applied Statistics
(STAT 614)
Fundamentals of Cloud Computing (CSCI 750)
Data Science Capstone I (DSCI 601)
Database Design and Implementation (ISTE 608)
Neural Networks (DSCI 786)
Natural Language Processing I
(PYSC 681)
High Performance Data Science (DSCI 640)
courses At Syracuse
Introduction to Python
(SIS 100)
Data Structures
(CIS 351)
Computer Networking
(IST 233)
Python Programming II
(CPS 300)
Introduction to Computer Science
(CIS 252)
Web System Architecture/Programming
(CSE 389)
Statistical Reasoning/Practice
(CIS 223)
Data Networks: Basic Principles
(CSE 489)